Loudness Analyzer & Normalizer
Check EBU R128 & other standards

AI Tool

Use this tool to verify that your audio mix meets a specific standard. The tool will generate a loudness report from the uploaded file. It can also normalize an audio file and make it conform to a standard of your choice.

Loudness Standard
Enable this option to create a new file with audio normalized to the selected standard.
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Loudness Standards

LUFS (Loudness Units relative to Full Scale) is used to measure the loudness of audio content. There is a wide range of standards and values that exist for different delivery formats. The table below provides an overview.

Platform LUFS (Integrated Loudness) True Peak (dBTP) Loudness Range (LRA)
Streaming (e.g., Spotify) -14 LUFS -1 dBTP 7-10 LU
YouTube & Vimeo -14 LUFS -1 dBTP 6-8 LU
TV Broadcast (US, ATSC A/85) -24 LUFS -2 dBTP 4-7 LU
TV Broadcast (EU, EBU R 128) -23 LUFS -1 dBTP 5-10 LU
TV Advertising -24 to -20 LUFS -2 dBTP 4-7 LU
Online Content (General) -16 to -14 LUFS -1 dBTP 6-8 LU
Mobile -16 LUFS -1 dBTP 6-8 LU
VOD (Video on Demand, e.g. Netflix) -24 LUFS -2 dBTP 5-10 LU
Cinema -27 to -24 LUFS -3 to -6 dBTP 15-20 LU
Podcasts -16 LUFS -1 dBTP 6-8 LU
DVD/Blu-ray -27 LUFS -3 dBTP 10-15 LU
Radio -16 LUFS -1 dBTP 6-10 LU

TV Broadcast

U.S. TV follows the ATSC A/85 standard and targets -24 LUFS, while Europe follows EBU R 128 and targets -23 LUFS, both with a true peak of -1 to -2 dBTP to prevent distortion and ensure broadcast quality.


Cinema audio typically has a much wider dynamic range, allowing for very quiet moments and very loud moments. Still, true peak levels should not exceed -3 dBTP to -6 dBTP.

YouTube and other Video Platforms

Similar to streaming platforms, these platforms also aim for -14 LUFS for consistency and to avoid drastic changes in volume from one video to the next.


To ensure consistency across content types, streaming platforms such as Spotify have standardized on -14 LUFS.

TV Commercials

TV commercials are typically louder than regular TV content to attract attention, often falling between -24 and -20 LUFS.


Video-on-demand services closely follow broadcast TV standards, typically around -24 LUFS with a similar true peak.


Podcasts are targeted at -16 LUFS for clear and consistent playback across devices. This is similar to mobile content.


Physical media such as DVDs and Blu-rays target -27 LUFS to maintain high dynamic range and theater-like audio quality.


Radio broadcasts typically aim for -16 LUFS to ensure clear audio in various listening environments and signal strengths.

Tolerance Levels

Tolerance levels

In Europe, EBU R128 has a permitted tolerance of ±1 LU which means that a deviation of up to 1 LUFS above or below the target value is acceptable. In the USA according to ATSC A/85, the tolerance is ±2 LUFS. For cinema productions, there is no fixed LUFS target, but a typical loudness might be between -27 and -24 LUFS. Spotify targets a loudness of -14 LUFS, with no explicit tolerance, but content that deviates significantly is usually adjusted automatically. YouTube also targets -14 LUFS, and content that exceeds this value is automatically adjusted.

The specific tolerance may depend on the policies of the service or platform, but in general the target values should be met to ensure the best audio quality and consistency.

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.mp3, .wav, .m4a, .acc.mp4, .mp3, .wav, .m4a, .acc, .wma, .aiff, .ogg, .flac
Images by Torsten Dettlaff, Di Controller